In-Text Citation: A brief note at the point where information is used from a source to indicate where the information came from. Items can be tracked down online using their doi. Links can be "live" in blue with underline or black without underliningĬiting: The process of acknowledging the sources of your information and ideas.ĭOI (doi): Some electronic content, such as online journal articles, is assigned a unique number called a Digital Object Identifier (DOI or doi).No "doi:" prefix, simply include the doi.Library database names are generally not required.Ebook platform, format, or device is not required for eBooks.Publisher location is not required for books.Up to 20 authors are spelled out in the References List.Three or more authors can be abbreviated to First author, et al.Developed the 'Four Elements of a Reference" (Author, Date, Title, Source) to help writers to create references for source types not explicitly examined in the APA Manual.Use only one space after a sentence-ending period.Singular "they" required in two situations: when used by a known person as their personal pronoun or when the gender of a singular person is not known.Tables and Figures - There is a standardized format for both tables and figures.Headers - No running headers are required for student papers.Font - While you still can use Times New Roman 12, you are free to use other fonts. Calibri 11, Arial 11, Lucida Sans 10, and Georgia 11 are all acceptable.Below is a summary of the major changes in the 7th edition of the APA Publication Manual.